Sunday, 24 March 2013

Doesn't time fly

This term has been a short one but we have packed a lot of activities in.

The pioneers had a craft evening, using pipe cleaners to make all sorts of models, here are a few of the finished items

They also spent some time thinking about Geo Caching, as a group we have found several local caches but started thinking about whether we could set one up.

We also got an update on Timmy, the travel bug we sent off at camp last year, he's travelled 9000 miles and is now in Hawaii, wow.

We celebrated all the snow with some snowman biscuits. Lots of fun and very tasty.

Both groups spend an evening in the local woods playing games, once again it was very cold and muddy and the hot chocolate was very appreciated.

The rest of the term we spent planning our contribution to a Bristol wide fin day, each group plans a performance to show to the other groups. We based ours on the Lazy Camper song. Sadly there have been quite a few illnesses this term and we had to do quite a lot of last minutes script changes on the day but it was still fun.

Next term we'll be doing some activities in preparation for Spring camp. The bookings are in and we are all looking forward to finding out what is being planned.

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